Use Of Iron Supplements In Anemia

Anemia is a condition that is diagnosed as low levels of iron in the blood volume of the diseased person. There can be different causes of this condition, and so can be the solutions for this health disorder. A wide range of supplements is available in the market which can effectively help in balancing iron levels in the blood by managing certain causes.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia

The word iron deficiency is used to clarify the meaning that this anemia is associated with low intake or low blood levels of free iron in the body. Why is it said so? Because anemia does not occur only due to iron deficiency and can be the result of other micronutrient deficiencies, as well. Vitamin B12  deficiency can also lead to anemia. However, the risk factors which can become contributing causes of iron deficiency in the body are mentioned below;

  • Depending solely on a vegetarian diet can create a huge risk of getting iron deficient because iron present in plant foods is not easy to absorb, and thus not eating other iron-rich foods can lead to iron deficiency in the body.
  • People who donate blood frequently can also be at the risk of developing an iron deficiency in the body as this process can completely deplete the iron stocks. Therefore, it is recommended to have a gap of at least 2-3 months between two consecutive blood donations to avoid such issues.
  •   Talking of the blood loss, women are also at a higher risk of becoming iron deficient as they keep losing blood almost in half of their lifespan, sometimes in the process of giving birth, and sometimes during the menstrual cycle. Iron deficient women can also lead to the birth of iron-deficient babies.
  •   Experiencing excessive blood loss in an accident or injury is also a contributing factor in the development of iron deficiency in the body.

Risks associated with iron deficiency anemia

An iron-deficient person can experience the symptoms of persistent fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, brittle nails, and headache. But in severe cases, an untreated iron deficiency can lead to different heart problems, problems for women during pregnancy, and growth issues in infants.

A decrease in blood volume leads to the decrease of oxygen supply in the body, and to cover up this deficiency, the heart has to pump blood aggressively which can cause an abnormal increase in the size of the heart or an irregular pattern in the heartbeat.

Why use iron supplements?

The use of iron supplements is a very common and effective way of replenishing lost iron in the body. Iron supplements are available in different dosage forms to compensate for the interest and needs of the community. Like, an iron supplement is available in the market by the name of Irovit tablet, Feosal-F Tablet, Folicron Tablet IroUp Tablet, Medifer Tablet which contains Iron, Folic Acid, and Vitamin B12 to provide complete support in the healthy formation of red blood cells. Another unique thing about this supplement is the presence of Vitamin C which helps boost the absorption of Iron in the body. This supplement can be used by people who are suffering from the symptoms associated with low iron levels, under the recommendation of a healthcare professional. And, to ease the liking of this food supplement in children, a syrup form is also available for these iron supplements with similar health benefits but with a better composition.



Why Vitamin C Should Be Taken Daily?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin and greatly impacts our overall health. A smooth skin, strong immune system, healthy iron levels in the blood, and effective wound healing, all these processes depend on an adequate intake of vitamin C.

How much vitamin C per day is required?

The recommendation of every nutrient is generally differentiated based on gender and age, making the daily requirement completely different for people of different groups.

  •   For kids (1-8 years): 15-25 mg
  •   For teens (9-13 years): 45 mg
  •   For adult men (14 years and older): 65-90 mg
  •   For adult women (14 years and older): 65-75 mg
  •   For pregnant women (19 years and older): 85 mg
  •   For breastfeeding women (19 years and older): 120 mg

Apart from these general recommendations, those who smoke a lot will require an extra 35 mg of vitamin C. This is because vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, thus neutralizing the oxidizing effect of chemicals present in the smoke. Therefore, an additional 35 mg of vitamin C is required by smokers.

Benefits of vitamin C

A human body needs vitamin C for the following purposes;

  •   For a well-prepared immune system to fight against several microbial infections
  •   For neutralizing the effects of harmful oxidative species produced inside the body
  •   For maintaining skin health by improving wound healing and protecting skin from oxidative damage
  •   For better absorption of dietary iron into the body, consequently, helping in fulfilling the iron deficiency
  •   For the normal production of collagen, L-carnitine, and some neurotransmitters

What are the best sources of vitamin C?

Vitamin C sources are not very difficult to find, and they can be obtained from a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, and food supplements as well. Anything that is water-soluble will not be stored inside the body, thus should be taken daily through different sources. The same is the case with vitamin C, although it is not required by our body in large amounts, a person must have multiple vitamin C sources included in his/her diet.

Citrus fruits, cantaloupe, strawberries, bell peppers, and some cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli) are vitamin C sources. Besides, some vitamin supplements which contain a considerable amount of vitamin C, are also efficient sources of this vitamin. In this regard, Medevox Pharmaceuticals has manufactured several immune-boosting supplements, containing vitamin C, by the names of Effer-c Tablet, Vitamin C Tablet

These vitamin supplements are packed with Vitamin C and some accessory ingredients like Calcium Lactate gluconate, Calcium carbonate .The purpose of adding the other ingredients is to enhance the working and to support the antioxidant effects of vitamin C, in the body.



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